Child’s Academic Performance: Primary Factors Affecting Growth

Child's Academic Performance: Primary Factors Affecting Growth

Parents might wonder sometimes why even if they have sent their child to the most expensive private school in town to improve their child’s academic performance, they still failed to get results of positive academic development. According to some studies, the school is just 30 percent of the factors that affect the child’s performance at school; that is why, relying everything to the school is 30 percent true and 70 percent myth. To complement the percentile, let me inform you of other factors that could affect child’s academic performance.

  1. Teacher Factor

A teacher could either make or break a child’s academic performance. At school, teachers hold the greatest influence to the students especially on their early years in the academy. In this case, if the influence of the teacher is more on the positive side, the child’s performance will also be progressive and rising. However, influence comes in many forms, some of the kids like good-looking teachers, some like caring teachers and others are challenged with strict and superior teachers. Thus, it would really base on the child’s receptiveness to the influence brought by the teacher.

  1. Parents Factor

Parents have the tendency to rely everything to the school and teachers with regards on their child’s education. However they fail to play the most important role of parenthood – being their child’s primary teachers. At home, parents should guide their kids with their studies and encourage them if they are losing interest in going to school because in reality, school is not always fun. Sometimes, it has boring moments too, with all the lab works and derivation of equations; it is like too much of Math, English, Science and others. Parents should be there to influence their kids too and elaborate to them why they need to go to school and finish their studies. In that way, they will appreciate school with value and relevance. They will understand why they have to do a certain thing and why they have to learn not just few things but a lot of things.

  1. Food Factor

Intelligence could also be influenced by the food that kids eat at home and at school. It is advisable that kids should eat the primary cluster of food: go food, grow food and glow food. These three factors would complement child’s academic performance as well because it maintains the body’s homeostasis that will allow the brain’s function be maximized. They will deliver specific nutrients needed by the body to facilitate proper body functioning so as proper mental and cognitive functioning.

What will happen if they eat unhealthy food? The normal body process will be disturbed and thus, the distribution of the blood which carries all the nutrients: micro and macro including the oxygen will be compromised, delimiting the oxygen that travels up to the brain and thus there will be cognitive failure that would mean later on a poor academic performance.

  1. Peer factor

Growing up was never easy. Your whole being will be formed in this phase of human life and the foundation in the academe will also be firm during this time. But, this time too is a process of counteracting different challenges not just limited to the exams at school but also includes the formation of social involvement which will include the kid’s peers. If you can see kids who always go with the geek kids, those kids will be labeled too as a geek, but if a kid always goes with the bully kids, that kid will also get an impression as a bully. So, kids should be very careful with the peers they go with. They should go with the kids who would help them improve their performance academically.

These factors are just four of the major factors that affect the child’s performance at school. If you are a teacher, you should check on your students if they see you as an inspiration or not. You should guide them with whom they should go with and assess them if they are being helped by their parents at home. If you are parents, be of help to your child to explain to them the importance of going to school; above all, you hold the highest influence a child could get in his entire life that includes his academic life.

Featured Image: Mamamia