How can Yoga help overcome Exam fear?

How can Yoga help overcome Exam fear?

As soon as the exam time comes closer, students start feeling nervous or fearful about it. Stress or nervousness impacts your health as well as your sleep. In such a scenario Yoga can be of great help. Imagine if you go in your examination with a relax mind then your concentration will be at the highest level possible.

Here are some yoga exercises you can follow to overcome exam fear:

Halasana or Plow Pose

This yoga technique gives relaxation to your mind and reduces stress level. This also relaxes your back which is important to do while you study regularly for long hours.

How to do it?

  • Lay Down and rest you’re back on a mattress.
  • Lift your legs in order to touch the ground behind your head.
  • You’re arms should stay rested on the ground in 90 degree angle with your back.
  • Stay in the position for at least 45 seconds.
  • Pull your back down slowly and rest your body in original position

If you have a weak cervical spine, please avoid this exercise.

Parvatasana or Mountain Pose

This exercise enhances your concentration level and relaxes your muscles. Thus it helps in reducing any kind of stress or anxiety.

How to do it?

  • Sit on the floor with your back upright.
  • Interlock your fingers and raise your hands upwards until your elbow is in 180 degree position.
  • You should feel stretch in your shoulder and back. Maintain the position for at least 2 minutes.
  • Deep breathing helps in the exercise.
  • Slowly you can bring your hands down and relax.

Do not bend your elbows or your neck.

Matsyasana or Fish Pose

This exercise increases the immunity level of your body. Would you want to fall sick or feel sleep deprived? Indirect impacts of stress and anxiety are countered by this technique.

How to do it?

  • Sit on the ground and place your right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the right thigh.
  • Keep your back upright.
  • Try to bend your back behind towards the ground. Take support of your elbows in doing it.
  • Try to rest your head on the floor. Your back will be in the air with support of your elbows.
  • Try to remain in the position for at least 5 seconds.

Do not perform this exercise if you are diagnosed with improper blood pressure levels.

Power of Yoga

There are many other techniques present in yoga. We tried to bring the most common which are helpful in reducing your exam fear. Golden technique of reducing stress is deep breathing. Inhale from your nose and exhale from your mouth. This technique can be used after looking at the question paper in your exams or just before you start appearing an interview.

Good Luck!

Featured Image: sol-yoga