The Best Setting of a Pre-School Classroom

The Best Setting of a Pre-School Classroom

The manner in which your classroom is set as a pre-school teacher determines how comfortable your learners are. Proper arrangement of the classrooms excites children. This enables them to enjoy learning. Each learning stand should be distinct from each other. This will ensure that your learners understand what is done at each stand. When setting your pre-school classroom ensuring the following is essential:

Proper spacing

The amount of space you have as a pre-school teacher determines classroom arrangement i.e. the location and size of door and windows, and the type of floor. Allocating each activity enough space and proper arrangement works wonders. Deciding where each activity is to be done makes learning easy e.g. messy activities should be done on floor not carpeted area, block centers and library are best situated in carpeted areas, dramatic play can be set anywhere while discovery areas are placed near windows.

Well established learning centers

Learning centers play an important role in a pre-school classroom. This is because children learn best through practical activities. Learning centers give children play opportunities and hand-experience they need. Letting your learners interact with what you teach them e.g. stationery, utensils etc helps them internalize concepts. Labeling each learning center helps your learners know what is done in every center with ease.

Safe, hygienic and secure classroom

Children like playing. That’s not debatable. Therefore, clean environment for your learners is the best thing you can volunteer. Safety of your learners is of paramount importance. Provide for your learners environment which allows exploration, easy learning, and opportunities for experimentation and discovery. Let your learners have fun. Let them enjoy. And this will make learning a walk over for them.

Established classroom design summary

Good classroom design creates awareness to your learners on what is to be done when and where. This increases their confidence in their daily activities. Proper classroom design allows you and your learners’ easy movement and interaction within the classroom. What other suggestions do you have on setting of a pre-school classroom?

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