Being a Parent Guiding Your Child through Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety Attacks

Reality of anxiety disorder

Children need a guiding hand during their formative years. They can face along with happy events, certain unpleasant situations that can cause anxiety. Anxiety disorder is a stressful situation accompanied by indecisiveness and lack of mental cohesion. Parents can break the impasse by moving the child on to another place or by changing the topic.

The right way to handle the situation varies from child to parent to circumstance. However, the child should be capable of handling anxiety attacks on their own. Parents provide the motivation that carries the child through the stressful situation. This is an important learning step in the life of a child.

You can use some preventive steps too. Be wary of over-cautioning the child in normal situations. This will make them over sensitive to life situations. Likewise, if the child brings on stressful situations due to some triggers like confronting a dog, or preparing for a test, change the perspective the child has by making the situation a playful instance.

Take prompt measures to handle the situation normally

Parents do have the responsibility of guiding their wards through situations that bring on anxiety attack. Most of the instances of such stressful anxiety disorders can be traced back either to the behavior of the parents or to the circumstance that is out of the normal.

Anxiety disorder happens when you leave anxiety attacks without analysis or treatment. This means the child grows up to become neurotic and begins to react abnormally to normal situations. Counseling on a periodic basis is enough to take care of this problem.

Be there for the child when he or she is undergoing anxiety attacks. Humans feel stress and they need to be able to identify the factors causing stress. Coming face to face with dogs can raise anxiety levels in children. Teach them not to run away or hide from their anxiety. Taking the first step to confronting the anxiety attack will help the child find the best remedy for its anxiety disorder.

Anxiety – What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Study of family therapy

A study conducted by a psychiatry professor showed that in the 120 families who underwent the testing, every family had at least one parent who had anxiety disorder and one child who had not yet reached its teens who did not have anxiety disorder.

By way of therapy, half of the families were given written instructions about anxiety disorders but they were not included in the therapy sessions. The other half underwent family therapy for the duration of one year.

At the end of the year, it was noticed that in the first group who received written instructions, the number of people having anxiety disorder increased to 31%. In the second group, this number dropped to 5%.

The psychiatrist concluded that regular “mental cleaning” was called for much like the way we clean our teeth.

Correct step to analyzing and tackling stress and anxiety

Children have challenges from many quarters. One is in school to produce good results. Those who are not anxious, perform better in their studies. However, there are some who suffer a lack of direction due to their anxiety attacks. They have to learn that anxiety comes mostly from unfamiliar situations. Say a tiger suddenly appears in your room. You are bound to feel some apprehension. For children, the situation is much the same.

The right thing to do is to explain the situation to them. They need to be able to understand that anxiety happens to everyone and can be overcome. For those who fail to tackle the situation successfully, therapy can provide the cure. Weekly sessions of counseling involving family sessions help to resolve disorders fast.

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