4 Tips to Tackle School Bullying

Tips to tackle school bullying

School bullying is deliberately causing harm to a student in an educational setting. It could be physical or emotional. Examples of physical bullying include punching, pushing, kicking, beating, biting etc. Emotional bullying include verbal harassment, destroying someone’s reputation, rumors, refusing to talk, excluding someone from a group, teasing, name calling etc. It is important that parents and teachers understand the different ways of school bullying and its consequences on the children’s personalities and life. It is really tough to face bullying especially if it is persistent. Here are some tips that might help you face bullying.

  1. Change Your Mindset

school bullying mindset

A bully is usually a person who is psychologically unstable. He may be lacking self-confidence and wants to show off or he may be facing problems in his life and is taking bullying as a way to overcome and forget these problems. All these reasons destroy the powerful image that a bully tries to draw for himself. Always bear in mind that a bully is a weak person. Do not feel afraid of him.

  1. Seek Help

speak school bullying

Do not feel shy of asking for help. If you feel scared or nervous to approach your teacher for help, you can also ask your schoolmates for help. This does not mean that you are weak. Even adults ask for help when they need! There are many people who are there to help you. Your parents might be best suited in this situation, as they are the people you can trust. They will also act in your best interest.

  1. Overcome It

seek help school bullying

Bullying is hurting and humiliating but life should not stop for that. You need to build up the will to overcome it. One you have tackled school bullying, think about it as an incident that happened and is done. It will not hurt you in your coming life. Try to forget about it.

  1. Do Not Raise a Bully

school bullying parents

If you are a parent then you need to ensure that your child is not a bully. There is a myth that says “my child can never be a bully”. Well no, he can! When you tell your child to beat his friend who teased him instead of reporting to a responsible adult then you are contributing to bullying. When you laugh when your younger kid hits his elder sister thinking that he is just a kid who is plating and gaining new skills, you are raising a bully. When your kid tells you that they stopped talking to one of their friends and they kicked her out of the group because she is from different culture or has different skin tome or speaks different language, your child is becoming a bully.

School bullying is hurtful and must be taken seriously by parents and teachers to avoid raising a generation of weak victims and tough bullies as both will have psychiatric problems and will face serious problems later on in their lives.

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