Overcoming Inferiority Complex at Work: Gender Sensitive

Overcoming Inferiority Complex at Work: Gender Sensitive

Gender bias does not just happen between men and women or gay and lesbian perhaps, it also happens within the gender clusters. Yes, it happens among women, men, gays and lesbians. Maybe you are thinking how did that happen, but let me illustrate to you in this article a clearer picture of having an inferiority complex at work relative to one’s gender.

But first, I would like to define first what is inferiority complex. Inferiority complex is the feeling of incapability of doing something that in fact you are capable of doing, but because the people that surround you make you feel like, or tell you that you cannot do it, you developed the fear of performing it.

Here’s how it happens between the two clusters of gender (men and women):

  1. Among MEN

 Being a man among men is really a pressure; from your accomplishments, number of girls you have dated, your physique, your brand, your wallet and your savings. Yes, these things matter in men’s world. Those who achieved most of the things mentioned above are classified as alpha male; they dominate the entire Hercules world. So, if you are surrounded by these men and you haven’t kissed a single girl, broke all the time and no muscles visibly found, then most likely, you will develop inferiority complex.


  1. Start dating. Look for the girl that you really like. Study what does she like and court her. Real men would go for it regardless of the uncertainty of winning her heart. Anyways, if you won’t have her as a girlfriend, at least you have a story to tell that once in your life you actually went out and dated a girl.
  2. Go to the gym and build your muscles. Eat food that will compliment your diet and of course take enough rest. You will definitely see a result. Remember, a good physique could contribute to developing confidence to perform things that you can.
  3. Save money. I know that boys tend to buy toys and toys and toys again. But, you’re a grown up now, that is why you are now called a “man” and a man saves. So, prioritize what you have to buy and prioritize saving and keeping some money for future consumption in case of emergencies.
  1. Among WOMEN

Women mean lipstick, make up, fashion, stilettos, perfume – in short, women mean beauty in all form. In the workplace if you are a woman and you are not beautiful it actually delimits your satisfaction rating because being one is expected from you. Being beautiful is expected from you; especially that competition to get a job now-a-days is very tight. So just in case, you are also surrounded by these types of girls who incorporate fab to their job, I am sure you are also developing inferiority complex.


  1. Learn how to put on make ups. You should not just decide that one morning you wake up and put on some make up on your face. I am sure it won’t end well. So, go get yourself some help from your friends who wear make ups decently. Try to ask them what is good for you and what colors and shades are perfect for your skin tone.
  2. Buy magazines that will help you enhance your fashion statement. You should be wearing dresses with a peg. You should know how to match your shoes to your dress so that you would look fabulous rather than a plain housewife who is trying to look great.
  3. Choose oil-based perfumes. These types of perfumes last longer and you need that to create your brand. That every time they smell your scent, they know that it is you. So, the next time you go to the mall, go try shopping some oil-based perfume.

I am not saying that you will change your original version just to fit in; what I am saying is that, what if you can do something to make yourself better and to perform better? Inferiority complex is no joke, so you should help yourself while it is not yet too late. It’s okay to add some to yourself and make it even more promising than ever – this can help you overcoming inferiority complex!

Featured Image: Techcrunch