Teaching English To Non English Speakers-The EFL Approach


What is an EFL approach in teaching English?

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) approach has been conceptualized to model or remodel the approach of teaching English. This approach is primarily used to learners who are not native English speakers, also known as non-English speakers. EFL approach is fundamental to the learning process in acquisition of new language, English in particular. This approach utilizes the natural approach of learning. It means that, the learners are allowed to be exposed to the language, be familiarized with the words and sentences and be given the opportunity to use the English as they communicate. The exposure to the language could help the students later on as they upgrade to learning the technical sides and aspects of English language.

What are the effective teaching techniques on EFL approach?

Since EFL approach is not the traditional way of teaching English, it comes with a process that takes time, just like when we are still babies and were just starting to learn our native language; here are the top four techniques that are strategic and effective on EFL approach.

  1. The Spiral Technique.

This technique is used to introduce basic knowledge to the learners like: colors, commands and even members of the family. The questioning this time will be very basic. The teacher would just ask, “What color is it?” and “Who is this?” The spiral technique is very effective especially if the learners already mastered the pre-requisite knowledge before proceeding to the lesson. By that time then, the teacher will shift his questions to, “What color is the bag?”, “What color is the chair?”, and “Who is your mother?” and”Who is your father?” The learners utilize the previously learned knowledge to properly engage to the next step of learning process.

  1. Songs

Memory retention is more effective through songs. If the learners learn new vocabulary words, it is more retaining of they incorporate songs on those words. Like if the teacher has been teaching colors, he could teach the kids the “Rainbow Song”, in that way, they could sing it out, and if they forget the word, they will just go back to the song and eventually remember the word they’ve wanted to say or associate to their conversation perhaps. Songs are also a good motivator to the learners when starting the class to set a light mood and an environment conducive for learning.

  1. Constant Repetition

Since the learners only have the opportunity to speak English inside the classroom due to the reason that at home, they don’t have anybody to converse with English, the teacher must be very patient enough to keep on repeating what he has been teaching; in the first time the students listen to the lesson, they might get confused to the context, that is why it is necessary to let them repeat saying the words or sentences as much as they could. It would help the learners create a distinct classification to the words or sentences as a whole that would give meaning to what they say.

  1. Story-based Application

Vocabulary words which include: actions, colors, objects, parts of the house and other basic things that are necessary to the fundamental knowledge of the learners towards the acquisition of English language, are more effectively applied through stories. Students of all ages are great fans of stories and they would associate their learned vocabulary words to the story itself that would give them a better understanding to the meaning of each word.

Why EFL approach is best for non-English speakers?

EFL approach is best for the non-English speakers because the language they are trying to learn is completely strange to them. The best illustration for this is how a baby learns his mother tongue. The baby’s mother did not teach grammar right away. The mother, who basically served as his teacher, communicates with the baby until such time the baby is able to say a word and express his thoughts. Along the way, the baby becomes a child and as a child, he has so many questions in mind that would help him nourish the foundation he has in a certain language. Same is through when introducing English to non-English speakers, they should be exposed to the language first, correction and improvement will just follow along the way. We never stop learning anyway.

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