How Teaching Methods have Changed Over Years

How Teaching Methods have Changed

Over the years, the teaching methods across India has gone through tremendous changes, which have helped in shaping up the teaching methods in a wonderfully. With the introduction of PowerPoint teaching and Online Classes, the whole educational system has taken a step forward in creative teaching and methodology. Even though various methods such as Workshops, Training Programs, Group Activities and Projects have been introduced, the two very important methods which made a great impact were that of PowerPoint Presentations and Online Classes. With these, teaching has not only proved to be made easier, but also efficient and highly effective.

PowerPoint Presentations-       

  • PowerPoint Presentations have proved to be a boon to the education system in this modern society. Gone are the days where professors used to read out what was in the books and explain them, now, through the help of Presentations, the whole textbook is jotted down in key points, which make it easier for the professor to explain.
  • It has been scientifically proven that when teaching is done through visual as well as audio means, together, they seem to have a greater impact. Therefore, through the use of Presentations, students are being benefited as it is easier for them to remember the points as well as understand quickly.
  • Use of other visual means such as charts and videos in Presentations, have helped students to understand and grasp difficult concepts easily, and this also remains in their mind for a longer time.

Teaching Methods

Online Classes –

  • Many of the Schools/Colleges have already adapted to this new introduction into the Education System that is of Online Classes. For those who can’t attend Colleges as they are working or any other reason can use this option to catch up with their studies.
  • The Professors will do live sessions of teaching online, where in the students can log in from their place and attend their classes. Another option is that, these live sessions are usually recorded and those who miss the classes can view it later.

online teaching methods

All in all, these new changes have brought through a new mechanism of studying which is proven to be of great help for both the Professors and the Students. Learning has never been so easier and convenient.

Please do comment with any new techniques or methods you have experienced along with benefits or drawbacks.

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