Pre-School Readiness

  • Recognition of basics.
  • Required Skills.

It is necessary for every parent to ensure that their child is Pre-School ready before enrolling them into a school. Some of the ways to ensure readiness is to make sure they can recognize many of the basic things, such as alphabets and colors; and also ensure that they have some of the required skills, such as social skills.

Recognition of basic things-

The first and foremost thing a child should know to recognize is alphabets. You can do this by using flashcards and making them learn through games. Another learning which can be made through the help of flashcards is numbers. The better way of teaching numbers to kids would be through their day to day activity, by asking them to count the number of trees they see on the road, or the number of plates on the table and so on. Another main thing which should be recognized by the kids is the colors. Teach them the colors of various things so that they can at least recognize the main colors such as red, blue, green, yellow, white and black. Colors and shapes can be taught hand in hand. Take colored sheets and cut them in various shapes, so that your child would be able to learn both shapes and colors together.

Required Skills-

One of the most important skills for a child to have is writing and motor skills. The child should be at least be able to write their name, in both case of letters that is uppercase and lowercase. To make this easier for them, try to teach them to write their name with paints or cream, on a sheet of paper, so that they’ll learn along with enjoyment. Another important skill they need to possess is listening skills and attention skills. A child should be taught the importance of listening and attention so that, from a young age, they learn to remain interested and focused for a longer span of time. And lastly, one of the most important skills that a child should know is social skills. The child should be able to talk to others easily and should also be taught to express their feelings over something, whether they like it not, as it helps them a lot once they grow up.

In conclusion, every child must be taught few of things at home so that when they enter pre-school they are ready to face the teachers and other kids easily. By doing these, many obstacles are overcome and it becomes easier for them to handle school life much better. These small things will help a child to be prepared for everything that they might face throughout their life, as the first impressions on the innocent minds, stay for a longer time. So try to teach the kids a lot of things, one by one, slowly, so that they can easily grasp the concepts of it, while it’s easier for them, as it helps them in a longer run.