Exam Fear: Best Ways to Increase Your Performance on Exam Day

Exam Fear: Best Ways to Increase Your Performance on Exam Day?

School life is one of the phases in human life that is worth experiencing. You will meet so many people, in fact, different people from different orientations and walks of life. Actually, you will not just learn from the lessons given at school, you will also learn from these people. You will understand practices that are new to you and manners that are not observed in your households; in short, you will learn how to adjust yourself and be flexible to different challenges in life. One of these challenges is taking examinations. Exam fear could either make or break a student. Most of the students who decide to stop are students who are poorly performing at school specifically during exams; in fact, according to statistics, drop-outs are increasing because of students failing during examinations. So, how will we stop the increasing rate of drop-outs at school?

Here are some strategies that you might want to apply so that you will do well during the exams and avoid exam fear:

  1. Listen attentively inside the class

Listening attentively inside the classroom would help you understand the concepts being presented to you by your teacher or by your professor. You will have a clear details and explanation of the things that you might not get from the book. If you do this, your review will become easier because you don’t have to go through all the details again; all you have to do is familiarize yourself with the things that you might forget during the exams. You can conserve time too because in your extra time, you can test yourself through mock examinations and could check the things that might come out during the examinations. It will make you even more ready to take the exams.

  1. Avoid pulling an all-nighter

Our body has specific criteria in order to function accordingly and properly; one of which is getting a proper sleep. You must spend at least 6 hours of sleep in order for you to function properly. This is a common behavior of students; they would spend sleepless nights and then go to school the following day sleepy and not focused. Sleep is really important specially if your concern is to perform well, actively and synchronized. You should avoid this especially if the exams are fast approaching because it would really affect your performance at school and might create problems with your grades that will cost you another semester of taking the same subject over again.

  1. Ask for the topics and study in advance

This is the most practical thing to do during your spare time. If the temptation is so strong to do other things which are not related to your studies, remind yourself that you are in the university not to hang out but to earn a degree. Asking your professor for the list of the topics that he will discuss during the semester will not cause you any harm and I believe that your professor will appreciate that because it does mean that you value your studies and you want to study in advance to prepare yourself for possible interaction during the lecture. It would really be so beneficial for you; if you do this, you are one step ahead or maybe steps ahead and during the examinations, it is not hard for you to go through the lessons anymore because you have encountered them ahead of time.

  1. Avoid having vices

Having vices like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages while studying could actually make your performance poor at school. Studies found out that nicotine and alcohol could harm your brain cells and thus your cognitive functions will also be threatened. So, I recommend that you should avoid having vices in all circumstances not only during examinations.

Above all, always make yourself happy so that you will have the motivation to get high grades during the examination. When I say happiness, it means responsible happiness, which further means that your happiness comes from the right things and not from pulling an all-nighter and having vices. Don’t deprive yourself with rest and healthy lifestyle. Remember that what you do to yourself, you will definitely reap that in the end; so, do good things for yourself so that you will only get good things when the time comes. Go get that high grades, you deserve it!