Preparing for College in High School

Preparing for College

Going to college is a great goal for anyone. There are steps to take before you ever apply to attend a college. While still in high school, let everyone know you want to go to college. There are all kinds of people that can help you. Take courses in high school that will help you be more prepared. Explore different colleges and decide which is the best school for you. Gather up funds.

While in high school, gather information from everyone. Whether your parents went to college or not, they have experience that can help you get prepared. Talk to your teachers, coaches, and guidance counselors. It is their job to help you be successful. Gain some real-world job experience in something that you are interested in studying. Guidance counselors can help you look for scholarships that require some community involvement or club memberships.

Sign up for classes in high school that will prepare you for college. If you have an idea which college you want to attend, make sure you complete all of the courses that they require for entrance. Some colleges require more math or foreign language classes to even apply for admittance. Grades are important, but so is taking the right courses. Push yourself into taking harder classes. It will look better on your application. Of course, any knowledge in the technology field will be helpful; no matter which degree you choose.

Research a variety of colleges, universities, and trade schools. Decide which school offers what you need. Do they have courses that meet your career goals? Would you prefer to go to a large university or small trade school? Do you want to live on campus, commute from home, or study online? Choose whether you want to attend a school that offers extra curricular activities. Is it important to you to have sports and campus events?

Last, but not least; you need to figure out how to pay tuition. Even if you or your parents don’t have a bottomless bank account, you can go to college. Many students qualify for financial aid. You must apply before the deadline to find out what you are eligible to receive. You can be awarded grants, which is money that you don’t have to pay back. You can be eligible for low interest student loans that you pay back six months after you leave college. Work-study money helps pay your wages to work on campus. And, don’t forget scholarships. There are tons of different types of scholarships. They are not just for sport jocks, brainiacs, or band kids. Research online and talk to your counselors.

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The most important thing to remember is… “where there’s a will there’s a way.” Don’t wait until you pick up your graduation cap and gown. Start preparing for college at least by the beginning of high school. You want to make sure you have asked for help, taken the best high school courses, decided on a school, and applied for financial aid. Good luck and enjoy the best time of your life!