Three Undeniable Stages in Planning Studies

Three Undeniable Stages in Planning Studies

Weaver bird natural instincts kick in to coincide with crop growth to maturity.  First, the birds survey the area to identify safe and secure places to hang the nests. Second, weaver birds fetch raw materials, go to work and accomplish the task in good time. Third, the birds watch and wait for the harvest. These stages are carried out from a well thought out plan.

Students could borrow a leaf from weaver birds’ three stages of Pre-Planning, Process and Post Planning to achieve the ultimate price in academic studies.  Let’s look at these 3 Undeniable Stages in Planning studies and the benefits students gain by gleaning on nature to show the way.

Stage One:  Pre-Planning

“Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.” This is not one of those overused, tired clichés.  Pre-Planning is a precondition for peak performance in education as well as in other fields. Planning needs intuitions as well as knowledge both of these students have at their disposal.

Pre Planning takes place in the invisible mind.  The outward demonstration takes place in the physical world. Three advantages top the list of Pre-Planning Stage.

  1. Prior Planning prompts study intensity. Your future life depends on academic decisions you make today.
  2. Prior Planning provides opportunity for compensation in areas of weakness – You’re not good in all the subjects. You can improve performance in mathematics if you put in more time into mathematics calculations practice.
  3. Prior Planning prepares you for a wide range of tasks.

You’re capable of accomplishing complex multiple tasks in the physical world with advance visualization of the outcome in the invisible mind.  You can maximize on the outcome of performance if you plan ahead in the study curriculum. “The soul never thinks without a picture,” Aristotle once said.

Stage Two: Process

Planning process differs if you’re in boarding school. However, basic planning steps start from initial stages.  Rework your timetable around, travelling time, chores at home, study, social life and weekends.

Assignments and term papers are given out at the beginning of the course.  However, you need lecture notes to do the assignments and write term papers. Class, lectures go on to the end of the term, semester duration. If you take good notes, the second process stage in planning is a walk in the park. In writing term paper/essay,

  1. Make out study schedule.
  2. Map out due dates of the term paper on your calendar with allowance for eventualities.
  3. Make time to plan your day/week/month study schedule to concept, craft and computer type the paper.

Stage Three: Post Planning

You don’t have to love the situation study thrusts upon you. But you need to keep eyes focused on the ultimate prize.  This will enable you maintain the rhythm of student life and activities.  Studies will become a delight rather than displeasure.  How does it work?

Plan out course study schedule in Pre-Planning Stage one. Put the plan into practice in the Process Planning Stage 2 to reap the fruits of your labour in the Post Planning Stage 3, the same way weaver birds gather grains into their barns during harvest period.

Featured Image Source: palgrave