Six Stimulus Steps to Spur Your Success Steam

Six Stimulus Steps to Spur Your Success Steam

It’s time you rethink education in the context of the big picture.  How does big picture work in studies?  Big picture thinking changes present result oriented to future purpose driven education.  Purpose driven education does not originate and end with Education Curriculum Development.  Individual student in secondary, college and university need to take Six Stimulus Steps to Spur Success Steam in academic studies.

  1. Discover Sense of Direction.

Imagine setting out on a journey to an unknown destination. You’ll never get there. There are no tickets issued to “nowhere” destinations in life.  Yet many students go through school, college and university heading nowhere. You can change the course of direction in your life here and now!

You want to have perfect relationship, have all the money you need, clean bill of health, ideal job, run a booming business and enough joy to last you a lifetime.  Your brain will work with and for you to develop the preferred sense of direction.

  1. Draw from the Natural Well (Brain)

“More gold has been mined from thoughts of man than ever been taken from the earth,” Napoleon Hill the author of many self improvement books says.

Your brain is capable of bringing into existence things that are nonexistent.  If you think this is stretching your imagination far, cast a glance around.  Evidence of human beings ingenuity is all around.

Your mind is constantly in creative mode.  It never goes to sleep, never takes a vacation.  You can draw from it 24/7 to improve your performance in one, all subjects in academic study curriculum.

  1. Develop Positive Mental Attitude

Human mind stores positive and negative thoughts. You can’t delete negative thoughts from the mind the way you deal with unwanted data in your personal computer.  The way to get around negative thoughts is to reprogram the brain to throw up positive data you need to scale the ladder of success in studies.

This is not an overnight instant success experience.  Having control over your thoughts is by far the hardest hurdle to cross in life.  But it is doable through practice and determination.

  1. Delight in Your Studies

Henry’s closest friends and acquaintances were his books.  His classmates ridiculed and made fun calling him “Henry the hermit.”  In the end, his delight in studies paid off.

Henry set the school’s record by scoring 6 distinctions in examination at the end of for year period.

  1. Drop Retrogressive Humdrum Bad Old Habits

Thoughts originate in the invisible formless world (mind), and are manifested in the visible physical world of form in which your five senses operate.

Robert Quinn in his book “Change the World“, illustrates the pattern and process of human change process using the analogy of seed from germination, growth to maturity.  The overriding principle in this process is applicable in all fields including academic studies.

This concept of change has a universal as well as individual appeal.  If you drop retrogressive humdrum habits, you free space to refresh, resolve and rediscover the value of success in studies to drive your success steam.

  1. Drive Your Success Steam

You know your strengths and weaknesses.  Call it intuition, insight, intelligence. It boils down to one thing – inner knowledge.  Your inner voice warns and prompts you in making decisions to improve your life.  That is what drives your success steam to achieve the ultimate price in education.

However, it takes diligence and discipline to listen to your inner voice with understanding. In the end, purpose driven education is the declaration of the end from the beginning.

Take the six stimulus steps outlined above and you’ll be home and dry at the end of the academic period in secondary, college and university.

Featured Image: project-zinc