Punishments: Effects of Negative Reinforcements on Young Learners

Punishments: The Effects of Negative Reinforcements on Young Learners

What is a negative reinforcement?

Inside the classroom there are multiple ways to establish classroom management. One of which is the implementation of negative reinforcements also known as punishments. Generally punishments are given to the students who have violated agreed rules inside the classroom. However, implementing negative reinforcements on young learners could create positive and negative results that they will forever consciously or unconsciously associate to some related events along their lifetime.

What are the positive effects of negative reinforcements?

Although inside the classroom, negative reinforcements could be a little scary, it could still have positive results that would help the students learn efficiently and the teacher to teach more effectively. Here are some of the good sides of negative reinforcements:

  1. Promotes Good Manner and Right Conduct

Students most of the time gets punished because they were talking while the teacher was teaching. The students must understand that they are subjected to listen inside the classroom when the teacher is doing his lecture; they are just allowed to speak if they are asked to or if they have clarifications; but, chitchatting alone is never an excuse to be noisy inside the classroom.

  1. Becoming More Discerning Which Is Right From Wrong

Students, who went through series of punishments in the past, are more discerning to what is right and what is wrong compared to those who have not experienced any kind of punishments at all. The wisdom they got from their experiences help them to avoid the circumstances from happening again. Thus, it gives them as sense of maturity that only a person who underwent the beauty of negative reinforcement could understand.

  1. Gaining Sense of Independence

Individuals, who looked at the brighter side of each punishment that corresponds to a certain mistake, would tend to develop sense of independence; this is because, they do not want to entrust the byproducts of their deeds to somebody else. They want to celebrate alone or to suffer alone. However, this kind of people is the toughest and keenest when it comes to the details of what they are doing. They are artists by nature.

What are the positive effects of negative reinforcements?

Negative reinforcement could also create a minor or major trauma that a child might experience in short-term or long-term perhaps. It will definitely depend on the coping mechanisms of certain individuals and, coping varies from one person to another. Here are the three of the major negative impacts of negative reinforcements:

  1. Very low Self-confidence

Self-esteem or self-confidence is built through experience. Along life there are so many milestones that a person might achieve to reach a certain level of maturity. In negative reinforcements, a person might get a very low self-confidence if a person was punished without explaining to him the reason behind why he was punished. He needs to understand why a certain thing might be done to him in order to correct his mistakes.

  1. Increases The Chance of Rebellion

This is the result of the very low self-esteem. As this should be diverted to something, a person would tend to look for an outlet or a way for him to compensate this inferiority. Actually, they lack attention; they need validation all the time and they need to be reinforced all the time with what they do, but the very common thing that they share is the denial that they need help from others.

  1. Anger-driven

The people, who failed to see the positive side of negative reinforcements, would develop anger that is associated with their past experiences. They don’t stop proving themselves to everyone and, they take that drive from the anger that had accumulated through the years. That is why, there are so many people who seemed to be successful but are not happy and content with their lives.

Is it recommended?

As long as it is properly taken, I think there’s nothing wrong using negative reinforcement in imposing disciplinary actions to a person. However, it will also come with a certain level of responsibility that the imposer should observe. He must see to it that he has established standard rules and he should be a model of what he was imposing. In this way, conflicts in the future will be avoided.

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