Five Ways to Discover the Value of Purpose in Studies

Five Ways to Discover the Value of Purpose in Studies

 “Values,” are accepted standard rules governing your life.  You’re a day scholar, boarding, the rules set out by the institution are the same across the board for all students.   Failure to meet the required minimal standards leads to disqualification, whether in assignments, term papers or examination. You can discover the value of purpose in studies through five ways:

First, Explore the Value of Purpose

Talk to yourself about the things you value most in life.  This isn’t the time for calling to memory, failure and frustration in academic studies. It isn’t the time to sulk. This is the time to explore and discover the benefits of education waiting at the end of the line.

If you’re aware of the significance of purpose in education, each step of academic level is a stepping stone to achieve the overall object in life.

Second, Explain Significance of Purpose

“Two delusions fostered by higher education are that what is taught corresponds to what is learned and that it will somehow pay off in money,”  William Feather author of The Business of Life,” observed.

It is one thing to desire to know purpose. If you cannot explain your new perspective of a brighter future in the simplest terms, your value of academic studies is unclear. Sort out the clutter to make purpose stand out as beacon of light in your life.

You’re at home in writing and you know this is your scene in future.  You should be able to clearly state the kind of writing that appeals to you.  Narrow down your purpose so you can state it in one sentence, then you can explain its significance.

Third, Elicit Purpose through Secret Access Code 

You’ve a whole range of personalized items of value with secret codes. It is a nightmare trying to interact with others across the globe on the Internet, or gain entrance into personal computer if you forget that secret code.

You alone have access to the secret codes your life depends on. You elicit purpose through your inner voice to guides and verify core values. Turn your life around today, pay attention to what your inner voice says on the importance of education now!

Fourth, Entry Point into Purpose

“You’re now entering…” You’ve seen and read this sign on public and private property in many places.  A similar sign on the road announces the town and city ahead.

The difference between acres of land, miles of road and light years of space to your preferred destination depend on you.  Your “eyes of understanding,” makes the connection between where you’re and want to reach in life.  That is your entry point to living on purpose now as student in anticipation of professional career in your choice field of study.

Fifth, Entitlement to Life of Purpose

Zig Ziglar, in his book “See You at The Top,” echoes sentiments of upward movement. Everyone is on the upward trend.  Upward movement requires knowledge and skills you gain in school, college and university.   How does it work?

Write down on a piece of paper all the things that come to mind you consider important. Weed out and leave only significance you can’t live without.

Weigh your options. Pick and work to improve one goal at a time. In the case of studies, our core values will guide you to improve on specific subjects in line with your future professional career.

Watch your actions each day.  Evaluate your progress in studies in relation to living on purpose to enjoy the benefits that come with exploration, explanation, elicitation, entry and entitlement to purpose.  

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