Effective Uses of Engineering Mathematics in Real Life

Effective Uses of Engineering Mathematics in Real Life

We employ mathematical procedures in our daily life, though this mostly goes unnoticed. This ranges from which production methods to employ in our factories to which route to take to the market. Engineering mathematics is one the disciplines we cannot live without. Some of the areas show uses of Engineering mathematics are:

Area optimization

We employ engineering mathematics when determining which shapes to use in measurement of different areas. In case of window of a house, you check on things like diagonal or the shape of the window i.e. rectangular or square. In other cases like fencing of farmlands using may be barbed wires; we usually employ engineering mathematics to determine number of posts required and length of the wire. Making of boxes also employs it to determine the shapes to use. Your main concern should be numerical stability and accuracy.

Effective Uses of Engineering Mathematics


When you intend to throw maybe a stone to a far distance, you usually throw it in curved line as opposed to a straight line. Also you ensure that it’s kind of spinning. This is what we refer to as projectile. The curving and spinning ensures that the stone goes to a far distance. In military ranges, the soldier does not aim at the target but slightly higher. Due to projectile, the bullet is able to hit the target.

Projectile use of engineering mathematics

Distance-time optimization

Though it may appear obvious, but every time you are contemplating on which route to take to your friend’s place, you are applying engineering mathematics. Let’s say that one route is short but with poor terrain and the other one is long with fair terrain, which one would you take. Depending on the time you have on your disposal you will decide on which route to take.

Distance Use of engineering mathematics


I know it sounds simple but rotation is also one of the uses of engineering mathematics. Consider a simple example like see-saw, from side view, the load arms will be seen to rotate about the pivot. Depending on the weight of each load, you are able to adjust distance to the pivot then balance. Also in designing of doors, the knob is fixed farthest from the hinges for easier opening. Hinges acts as the pivot while door breadth acts as the load arm. Use of load and axle is also another example of uses of engineering mathematics in our daily life.

uses of engineering mathematics in rotation

Though all of the uses appear obvious, it is only that we have not taken to think about them. We use engineering mathematics in our everyday life though without our knowledge. What other uses of engineering mathematics do you know? Feel free to share with us.