Creating Gender Sensitive Learning Experiences

Gender Sensitive Learning Experiences

Gender refers to the social responsibilities that women and men are assigned in different cultures. An example is that of men being branded breadwinners and women children caretakers. Gender roles are created by different societies and passed from generation to generation as part of culture. These roles are dynamic as like any other cultural practices and perceptions, they change with time.

Regrettably, these roles can harm the learning of our students as most of them tend to restrict how men and women behave and what they can learn.

Still, women and men are socialized into certain ways of thinking about themselves and what they can do e.g. you can hear “men do not cry” or “women shouldn’t play rough games”.  In the same way, some female students may not feel confident taking mathematics or science classes as they have been branded “men’s subjects”. However, all students can perform well in all subjects given the right opportunities.

Raising gender sensitive learning

One way of raising gender sensitive learning as a teacher is by discussing with your students in groups i.e. females alone, males alone and while mixed of what they think is expected of them as a male or female. What do they think of each other’s roles or expectations?

Also you can ask men and women to identify characteristics of females and males. You can make two rows on the board. On one row, list what is perceived as male roles and on the other row what is perceived as female roles.  You can interchange the “male” and “female” headings and examine whether with your students whether these roles could be interchanged. Hopefully, your students will conclude that gender roles can be exchanged except the biological ones.

Gender awareness in teaching

To ensure gender awareness in teaching, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I use cooperative learning methods
  • Do my learning materials contain role models for learners
  • Do bright students help other students in all subjects
  • Do I encourage my students to perform well in all subjects
  • Do I instill harsh discipline
  • Do I give all my students opportunities to express themselves and achieve success in all subjects

To ensure both female and male students feel at ease in colleges and they have equal opportunities, you can work with colleagues and college administration to:

  • Ensure you complete learning activities within the learning time and allowing an option or choice when assigning homework.
  • Allow students time to answer questions
  • You can as well try a participatory activity with your students to assess whether you treat females and males equally.

For instance, you can ask each student to write on a piece of paper every time you speak to him/her, ask him/her a question or allow him/her to answer. You can assess and discuss the pattern of interaction with your students after the lesson.

As well you may single out female and male groupings for practical activities to ensure that females develop confidence and are not dominated by males. Later mix them so that they learn the art of co-operation. What other gender sensitive learning experiences do you know?

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