Use Technology to Avoid Distractions When Studying

Use technology to avoid distractions when studying

On a list of distractions when studying, technology usually makes it to the top. This is no surprise considering the long hours youngsters spend on social media. However, the good news is that you do not have to give up on technology to be able to focus on studying. Instead, you could use it to your advantage. Here are a few ways to make it possible:

  1. Use Momentum

Momentum is simply a substitute to the new tab homepage on chrome browsers. It allows the user to set a certain goal or reminder which appears every time a new tab is opened. This is a very effective way of avoiding distractions when studying. You will most probably feel guilty about loading your facebook or twitter page after you have just been reminded of the goal or accomplishment you have set for the day. As a student, you might want to set a goal such as “finish reading chapter 1-5”. The quote which automatically shows up at the bottom of your new tab page also helps. One such quote is: “Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit, but it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are.” The guilt will definitely do the trick here and get you right back to studying.

  1. Use mobile or desktop applications to manage your time

With time managing applications installed on your phones and computers, you will be able to make more efficient and effective use of your study time. Since you know you are on a schedule, you will also be less prone to give in to temptations such as checking messages or emails during your study time. A simple google search of time managing applications will show that these are very common and quite user-friendly. A few of the most commonly used applications are Timeful, Focus Booster and 30/30 among others and most of these applications are free of cost.

  1. Use technology to arrange and organize your study materials

Go a step further by using technology to help you stay organized. You can use mobile or desktop applications once again to make your studying process more effective. There are numerous free productivity applications on the online market which you can use to effectively arrange and organize your study materials. For instance, Evernote is an application which allows you to collect your notes and ideas on a single platform which can be accessed from any device you wish. This simply gives you something on your phone or laptop to access other than facebook or twitter.

It is almost impossible to eliminate the presence of technology while studying. However, you can turn the use of technology to your advantage to avoid unnecessary distractions. At the same time, it can help you study more effectively.

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