How It is To Have Your Own Parent As Your Class Teacher?

How It is To Have Your Own Parent As Your Class Teacher?

Every child has right to better education and parental care. Parents play an important role to any child’s early development. It’s every parent’s duty to make sure that every child has gone to school and has all the necessary materials to facilitate their education. Children of tender age always aspire to be like their parents when they grow up, therefore parents act as good role models for the children. So, what is it like when your parent prepares you to go to school and you still meet in the same class for lessons? How do you feel about him/her, what do your colleagues talks about them, how is your concentration affected by their presence in class?

Here is how it feels like to have to have your parent as your class teacher.

  1. Their Reputation Affects Your Reputation.

Students have a tendency of talking about their teachers either for good or bad reasons. If your parent is a hard working teacher; you will have no reasons to worry; the other kids will be showering you with congratulations for your parent’s good work and will always treat you with a lot of respect. Imagine how your heart will be beating fast and hard when you hear your colleagues discussing how lazy, strict or boring your parent is! You will generally be heart-broken and start cursing the day he/she become your class teacher. This will have a negative impact both to your performance in class and reputation in school. Sometimes you may lose friends if you don’t control yourself, as you may tend to turn violent to defend your parent’s reputation.

  1. High Expectations from You.

Both colleagues and teachers always expect you to be the best in everything. They expect you to be at the top of your class every time, to be the best in both field and track events, in football and other games. They never stop to know your weaknesses and strengths. You are to be in the frontline when conducting any experiment, you are considered to be the wisest in class and will be expected to answer any question that will be tough to any student in class.

  1. Access to Prior Information

As a teacher’s kid you have the privilege to get both general and secrete information about the school, other kids and teachers. Your parent will inform you about any school holidays or any events earlier than any other student. You may also hear classified information in the staffroom about your colleagues or some teachers gossiping about some other teacher’s habits.  As expected, your parent will have subjected you to an oath of secrecy; you are never to share any information you here about your colleague or any teacher with anyone else.

  1. Privileges

Being a teacher’s kid comes with some privileges. You can access the reference materials that are not supposed to be taken out of class or school library by students using your parent’s position. Sometimes when you are caught on the wrong side of the rules, some teachers being your parents friends may be lenient to you or your parent my use their position to defend you in case of serious offences that attracts serious repercussions.

  1. Temptations to Become a Teacher.

When you listen to positive stories of how your parent helped to positively change the lives of some of their ex-students, you may be motivated to take your parents footsteps and become a teacher. Having been exposed to the behind-the-scenes of being a teacher, you will also want to share the joys and sorrows of being a teacher.

When your parent is your class teacher, there are both advantages and disadvantages. You should be prepared for any outcome and should work hard so as not to embarrass your parent.

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