How Important Is Attending Lectures In College?

How Important Is Attending Lectures In College?

As they set their feet in the college the students are felt with feeling of enthusiasm, enthrallment, nervousness and a few apprehensions. Atop these is the gigantic feeling of being free from the clenching claws of school– no more uniform, no more time table, and no more strictness. If this feeling of freedom is not curtailed at the right time, people often start bunking lectures to roam and explore places, spend time hanging out with their friends or simply laze around. This is often repented later at the end of the semester and submission dates. And then one has to resort to desperate measures of begging, borrowing and stealing assignments and notes so as to not flunk the semester. Fresher’s, we are here to help you stay motivated for attending lectures so that you do not meet a similar fate, by helping you understand why attending college lectures is imperative.

1.    Why to waste your money and the hard work

You chose the course out of your own will and are paying for it. Why let it go vain? After all, this was what you toiled hard in your 12th standard. Do what you are meant to do-study. You knowledge and degree are the two most important things that will matter outside the college gate. We do not mean to look down upon relations of friendship. Alas! The world still goes by the paper and not the people.

2.    Gain knowledge and build a future

You’re here to learn and explore, not just beyond the college but college too is a vast ocean of knowledge. Love yourself enough to collect as much as you can, while you have time. Professors often teach mentioning about their own experience or short stories that you will never know when you’ll be mugging up Xeroxed notes when the exams are near. These little anecdotes are more retainable and relatable and hence help a lot in the long run. Here, too like schools, professors too emphasize on topics that are vital for exams, which only the one who attends the lectures knows.

3.    You’ll never miss out

When you attend classes, you’re always updated about assignments, submission dates at all. So, you won’t miss out on your internal assessments. Also, since you would have attended classes, it would be easier for you to complete these projects, without having to ask for favors from anyone else. Less of headache, right?

4.    Get to know your real friends

Also, end of the semester would also be a comparatively easier sail for you. A win-win situation all in all! You can always do the other “important” things post your lectures. Real friends are the one who encourage you and help you make your dreams a reality. If they are genuine, they will understand and plan outings that do not clash with your college hours. Also, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble of arranging notes and assignments at wee hours and then worry about not being detained or spend money filling bonds.

Save yourself trouble, make use of the opportunity and get yourself decently educated. Don’t miss out on fun, bunk occasionally but do not make it a habit. Work when you have to, and enjoy when you’re done. And for the lazy bones- Rise and Shine Young People! There’s world of opportunities waiting for your arrival.