How Are The Java Programing Interview Questions?

How are the Java programing interview questions

If you’re aiming to get through a core Java or J2EE interview, you must be well-versed with the basic codes. To help you ace the any interview where you might be asked Java technical, we present to you a list of a few questions that are frequently asked in Java programing interview.

1.    The FizzBuzz Problem

This classic problem involves a mathematical coding wherein one have to write a program to print numbers from 1 to 50. Catch being, that the multiples of three should be replaced by “Fizz” instead of the number and for multiples of five it shows “Buzz”, and for multiples of both five and three it prints “FizzBuzz”.

Write a Java program that prints the numbers from 1 to 50. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.

2.       Vending Machine Problem

Very often this question has been asked in a lot of written tests during interviews and often plays a major role in determining the result of your interview. A hard one, it requires someone with a practical coding background. Herein, you’re asked to design a vending machine using Java which vends Item based upon four denomination of coins and return coin if there is no Item. So, it involves you to do the designing, developing and Junit test within the stipulated time.

3.    Reversal of String

This question is generally asked where experience between 2 to 5 years in Java Coding is a pre-requisite. You’re asked to write a Java program that reverses String in Java without using API functions. A simple yet classic one, you’ll have a tough time if you’re not in practice of coding.

4.    Cyclic or Not

Here you asked to code in Java to find out whether a particular list contains cycle or not. This one is based on linked list, and is a bit tricky. To solve this, one may use the two pointer approach. The fast pointer will catch the slow pointer if the linked list has cycle else point to null.

5.    Implementing Product Consumer Design Pattern

Here you will be required to implement a Producer-Consumer design pattern in Java using wait, notify and notify All methods. Pretty similar to deadlock programming interview question, this used to test the programmers ability to code bug free concurrent programs. This can put you in a puddle if you haven’t used these tools before.

So, this was a comprehensive list of a few common Java Interview questions. when you appear for the interview.

We wish you luck!