8 Smart Tips To Negotiate A Higher Salary

8 Smart Tips To Negotiate A Higher Salary

With the economy around us breaking into absolute shambles, it is absolutely natural to believe that the employers are in little mood to give a higher salary. But to the utter amazement, it is not true. A recent research shows that a vast majority of companies coming for recruitments are actually looking for people who are willing to negotiate. Thinking that you are not in a state to negotiate, otherwise one among the queue standing at the other side of the door will gladly accept it is grossly wrong.  Most companies actually look for candidates who are willing to step out of their zone and confidently negotiate a higher salary.

Here we shall speak of how to leverage your negotiating power to its best advantage.

  1. Before going for the final interview, it is essential to possess a detailed knowledge of the rate that is going for your position in this specified industry in this particular location. If you simply walk into the interview without a number in your mind, be ready to get manipulated at the hands of the experienced hiring manager. You can no longer control the conversation and have to agree to exactly what pay they have for you.
  1. It’s not always this simple. Negotiating a higher salary will never be easy. But fearing rejections, being afraid to hear a no will not fetch you any bonus point. The process of negotiation actually starts with a no. Throughout the conversation, it is to be kept in mind that none of your thoughts will exactly get harmonized with that of the hiring manager, yet the goal will be to get your thoughts somewhat aligned with the other one by the end.
  1. Listening to what the party has to say during a negotiation is as important as putting your own argument. Lending a patient ear to the recruiter will help you understand his views and demands and you can accordingly devise a solution, construct a better negotiation plot that will ultimately help you both.
  1. While conversing with the interviewer, putting up a meek expression will certainly send an alert signal to the interviewer. Nobody wishes to hire a meek and submissive individual for his company. Being confident and speaking with conviction is sure to catch an eye of the interviewer.
  1. Again, it is essentially crucial to keep in mind that you wish to work with this company in the future. So, considering yourself to be a prospective employee of the company, maintaining good cordial relation with the hiring manager is an absolute necessity. Threatening the interviewer in case he is not willing to give in your negotiation endeavours is never a good deed.
  1. After you have put forward your grant, talked about your value and sold your benefits, ask for advice. Asking them for recommendations and requesting them to advocate for you will simply put the ball in your court. You are sure to get an extra edge for showing this minimum courtesy and is going to definitely be rewarded for being this humble yet displaying necessary certitude as well as gratitude.
  1. Keeping the conversation focused on what the market price is for this post that you are applying for than discussing about a hike related to what you make now or raising word for a whole new salary is the right path. Giving allusions to the present market scenario, telling them how you can be actually better than your competitors in the market is sure to catch their attention. It all depends on how constructively you can convince them, giving references to actual facts and figures, and lending them a glimpse about how hard and diligently you have already worked for this.
  1. It seems negotiation is a complex process with volumes of scripts and textbooks of rules to follow. But the main mantra lies in the fact that the more you negotiate, the more experienced you become, and consequently the more money you make. So next time you go for any interview don’t forget to negotiate because now you have got the skills with you to do it right?


Wishing you good luck!


Author Bio:

My name is Sohail. I’m a blogger and a staff writer . My hobbies include writing, reading books, traveling and gardening.