5 Common Interview Questions Teachers Should Prepare

5 Common Interview Questions Teachers Should Prepare

A job interview can make you feel like you are seating on a hot seat, especially if you are seasoned with interview questions. However, the typical job interview offer numerous intonation and activities that most teachers could live without. It includes the handshake, greetings and being the center of attention. If you are an applicant, you need to learn and study how to prepare yourself during the interview since you won’t be able to avoid them. You need to have the tendency and strength in mind. That said, take a look at the below common interview questions for preparation roundups:

  1. “Tell Me About Yourself.”

It’s normal for the interview to make this request especially at the start of the meeting. They simply want to know what you consider important enough to mention. At first, it might be quite difficult to know just how much to say since you want to submit all your abilities and experiences. Without a doubt, prepare the above answer beforehand, to avoid recalling resume points on the spot and debating which ones to bring up. Consider restating your name, certification and also the school that you attended. Besides, talk about your teaching experience by highlighting the important point. Don’t forget to end with a short sentence about the reason you want to teach in that chosen school.

  1. “If I Was to Walk Into Your Classroom During an Activity, What Would I See?

The answer can be a bit lengthy since you want to explain your planning and activity learning goals. Stay on the topic and speak at a steady pace. At this point, the length won’t be a problem. Your answer depends on the type of students that would be teaching, and your teaching style should be fit with their special characteristics. Think about your teaching goals and strategies like what will you be doing? And how will you end the activity?

  1. “Describe Your Positive Guidance Strategies.”

Be sure the strategies that you intend to discuss should be effective and appropriate. You might share that you have implemented successfully hence using examples from your experience. Interviewees tend to focus on the guidance that reinforces positive behavior and also deciding how to work together in the classroom.

4.  “What makes’ you the Best Candidate for this Position?

It is quite a loaded question and of all your qualifications, thus you should state the ones that put you over the top of others. Note that you need to maintain your professional demeanor throughout the interview. The above question calls for your personal views on the system of education that you had chosen to prepare for the interview, consider the following: Why did you choose the field of education study? How dedicated are you to the student’s education? How has your field affected your previous job, thinking and life experiences? That said you should give an answer that represents you as a unique individual.

  1. “How do You Prepare for Differentiation in Your Class?”

The question doesn’t mean that you have to write a different lesson plan for every student. In other words, it means having the interest and abilities of all students that need to be taken into account when planning a lesson. You might include points like planning your questioning so that all students can answer, students grouping, knowing your students and also self-assessment test.

Much has been said, and that is why you should remember to trust yourself and your skills. With confidence and preparation, you will be teaching at your dream school in no time.